Thursday, December 9, 2010


1. Fashion is a MUSE, you must seduce her.

2. Take your MUSE to dance, fashion loves music.

3. FASHION is such stuff as
DREAMS are made on...

4. When you don't feel to dress means that you are depressed. You need a FASHION SHOWER.

5. If you like to be relaxed,
you will never get the LOOK.
Fashion is always UNCOMFORTABLE!

6. Don't go to far in vintage. 
Fashion is HINC et NUNC.

7. So between FASHION and STYLE?
Absolutely FASHION...
is less pretentious, is authentic.
 FASHION is declaration of own freedom.

8. Because nothing succeeds like excess!

9. NO matter the size of your body!
FASHION to flatter every figure.

Fashion to FLATTER you."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Its Over..~

Alhamdulillah..semua paper dh terjawab..
harap-harap hasil yang baek utk 5th sem nih..amin..~
ni cite sepanjang minggu exam!
antara makanan yang dimasak akibat kebosanan mkn roti!
p/s: was cooked by Amalina Mahmud.. =)

katil tasha a.k.a meja study ktorg bertige..
sungguh-sungguh tak kami?harus la! hahahaha..

and finally..time to enjoy!!!!!!

right after the exam..
minum2 coffee di library sebentar before tasha datang amek..

tempat kejadian..
rex box pavillion room 33..

haha.ktorg yang sedang kebuluq..
gi serbu buffet beramai-ramai..
even tak byk not bad la..

ni antaranye makanan yang ditelan..

haha..sempat je pose.. =P

pose with natasha..

owh..tidak lupe pd kamo Amalina Mahmud..

hoho..tepat pukul 3 kami out dr tempat ini..
suare pon hilang2 + kepale masing2 high akibat campuran lamb n black coffee..
mmg terbaek yea! sile amalkan..

uit! belum habes lagi..
heheh! killing two birds with one stone..
kami enjoy + celeb bufday NATASHA ZULKIFLI..
hahaha..plan kami menjadi..
happy belated birthday my dear..

after that..
ktorg tgk wayang cite yg sgt annoying ni..
sungguh merugikan!
sikit pon tak bes! tetido siap..
wondering bile la filem Melayu nak maju ni..haih!
sepanjang hari berfoya-foya..
aktiviti ktrorg diakhiri dgn ikan steam + lain2 lauk..
fuh! agak nikmat ketike itu..

ok guys..i just wana say...
yup! happy holidays guys.. XOXO..